5 Best Advantages and Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing

Have you ever thought about the pros and cons of cloud computing? If not, you have to. Nothing in this world will be perfect like cloud computing. In this article you will learn all about it. Read this article until the end….

Cloud computing has changed the world. A lot of positivity. What is cloud computing? The term is thrown around, but not everyone explains what it means. Is that so hard to understand? Only smart nerds can understand that?

Cloud computing is a simple term that means using IT services for your work. This is the new practice of using remote servers to store, manage and access data, as opposed to the traditional method of using a local server or personal computer. It’s not that hard to understand, and anyone can learn it. It’s not just for nerds.

The most popular cloud computing model is

  • SaaS, which stands for Software as a Service.
  • PaaS, which means Platform as a Service.
  • IaaS, that is. Infrastructure as a service.

Now that we know about cloud computing. The main purpose of this article is to know the pros and cons of cloud computing. Let’s get started…

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cost savings

The first advantage of cloud computing is the ability to reduce costs. Many companies and organisations benefit from the migration to the cloud. It helps a company to continue its strategy of reducing costs and maintaining high profits. With cloud computing, you benefit from low costs and can easily make more profit.

In the past, if you wanted to run an online business, you had to buy your own servers to manage your business. With cloud computing, physical servers are no longer needed. This in itself reduces a lot of costs. In the old days only the big boys could start an online business, but today everyone can do it.

Strategic boundary

It’s not easy to stay ahead of your competitors when running an online business. You need the latest technology if you want to stay in step with the other players in your sector. Fortunately, cloud computing is always ready to save you. Thanks to him, you can face your rivals and even win. How? Let’s explain…

Cloud computing gives you access to the latest applications and infrastructure that you can use to create and deploy your services. Your company has access to the latest software you need. In addition, there is no need to invest in the installation and maintenance of software.


In the traditional sense, server problems were painful (they are still for people who work in this field). Because cloud computing services have become the norm, they are virtually non-existent because cloud computing companies do it all. By using cloud computing solutions, companies reap enormous benefits and the entire management is the responsibility of the cloud company you are going to work with.

Just enjoy the benefits such as a simple user interface, high security, great services, etc. It is not difficult to manage and run an online business with cloud services. Most cloud services will also help you set up your applications (or web service).

Speed, reliability, flexibility and availability

Accessibility – With cloud computing, you can access your data anytime, anywhere. All you need is a working internet connection and your login details. This is the most productive and efficient way to work today.

Reliability – Cloud services are reasonably reliable, most offer a 100% uptime guarantee. And, uh, they almost didn’t have many failures.

Speed – The cloud is fast enough, you can deploy your services in no time. You can boot up your system in just a few minutes.

Flexibility – One of the things we like most about the cloud is its flexibility. It’s scalable, so as your business grows, you just go to a bigger plan.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing


One of the biggest drawbacks of cloud computing is the downtime that users can experience. However, this largely depends on where you get the service form. Large cloud computing companies such as Amazon, Google, MS Azure experience only a few minutes of downtime per year. While the local supplier has to deal with a much greater downtime.

And of course you need an internet connection to make these services work. If you are unable to connect to the Internet, you will not be able to make optimal use of these services. It depends very much on the quality of the internet you use.

Security and privacy

The use of online services may pose security and privacy risks. Even then, it all depends on the service provider you use. When you work with large, trusted companies, you run less risk than when you use unknown suppliers.

That being said, when user data is exposed, it is usually due to their own errors and negligence. If you can’t protect your own credentials, it’s up to you.

Other notable drawbacks are limited flexibility and control, dependence on the platform, vulnerability to attacks, etc.

Final thoughts…

These are the main advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. Everything has its pros and cons – cloud computing is no different. It’s just that the advantages of cloud computing outweigh the disadvantages. Cloud computing is an old technology, but has experienced better growth this year. We are convinced that it will dominate all fields in the coming years.

See also : Cloud Backup Services for Small Businesses

What do you think of the pros and cons of cloud computing? They also believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If not, why not? Let us know in the comments below….

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